October is known for being a spooky month. Houses, stores, and other businesses are decorated with ghosts, ghouls, and any phobia you can think of. In this season fear can be at an all-time high, especially for small kids who may struggle with the glorification of fear all around them. So this month, I’ve put together 4 memory verses for Halloween.
Why Memorize Scripture?
This month’s scripture memory verses will give you and your children a heart full of promises from God. These promises are true and constant even in the face of our scariest of days. When we know the truth of God’s word and His promises to us, we will have encouragement at the ready when we’re feeling spooked out or alone.
These verses are meant to be memorized one at a time, each week adding a new verse. By the end of October, you’ll have 4 verses in your heart and your mind for those scary times. There is a bonus verse in case you’ve already memorized one of these verses as a family, or if you’re just that quick and want a challenge. Happy memorizing!
Memory Verses for Halloween Month:
Isaiah 41:10
This verse not only reminds us that God is with us always, but it also reminds us that He is able to give us strength and hold us up when we don’t want to keep going. Fear can paralyze us, but God can strengthen us with the power to move forward regardless of what fear we may feel.
Psalm 23:4
Even if we can’t see the light of Christ (Jesus says He is the light of the world in John 8:12), we can know he is there with us. He promises His comfort and protection to those who follow Him.
Psalm 34:4
I love this verse because I’ve experienced it firsthand. I know what it’s like to lay in bed at night feeling the terror and anxiety of the darkness. God promises to deliver us from fear. His deliverance is available to us at all times no matter where we are, or what we’re facing. When we are feeling afraid we can say, “God I know you are more powerful than my fear, deliver me from this fear so I can freely worship you!” and guess what, his freedom and deliverance are there to meet us every time – how amazing is that!
1 Peter 5:7
We don’t have to hold on to our fear or anxiety. We can throw it into Jesus’ hands. That’s what the words “cast off” mean. We don’t just drop our fear or let go of it, we throw it away – far from us. And we can do this not because we have the strength to deal with our fear and anxiety on our own, but because God cares for us.
Deuteronomy 31:6
We’ve reached our bonus memory verse for Halloween. We can be strong and courageous, not because fear doesn’t exist, but because God is with us even in the face of fear. We know God will never leave us or forsake us. This is such great news! We follow and serve a God who is more powerful than any of our fears. And Our powerful God is with us everywhere. What can we fear when God is more powerful?
Free Printable Bible Memory Cards
Do you want to print these verses on cards to use with your family? Download the verse sheet below. I personally like to print memory verses on cardstock, but you can print these on any paper you have available. Use them to work on scripture memory with your kids or hang them where you’ll see them regularly. Happy memorizing!
This Free Memory Verses for Halloween download contains full-page verse cards and smaller cards that you can cut apart.
There is no email required to access this free download. Simply click the link below to access the printable scripture memory cards. If you would like to support Homemade Disciples consider visiting my Etsy shop for more printables to help you grow your faith!
Are you looking for another resource for living fearlessly?
My husband and I recently started a podcast where our goal is to help Christians live fearlessly! Season 1 was mainly about what it means to live fearless. In season 2 we’re talking about how Spiritual Disciplines help us to live a faith-filled, fearLESS life. Check it out at the links below: